
Valid objections to Hadley's planning application

Valid reason to object Comments
Loss of light or overshadowing Residents of 69 surrounding properties may lose lose light and be overshadowed - see the lighting section on this website for more information and to find out if you are affected. This is unavoidable with an 18 storey building. You may have a valid reason to oppose the application. If you do not, you risk being in darkness for most of the day. Hadley's own survey states, in effect, that the right to light is superseded by the need to build flats in Penge.
Effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood Policy 47 of the Bromley Local Plan: Tall & Large Buildings Proposals for tall and large buildings will be required to make a positive contribution to the townscape ensuring that their massing, scale and layout enhances the character of the surrounding area. Tall and large buildings will need to be of the highest architectural design quality and materials and be appropriate to their local location and historic context, including strategic views. Proposals for tall buildings will be required to follow the current Historic England Guidance.
Unacceptably high density / over-development of the site 250 residences in a small area
Visual impact of the development Policy 42 of the Bromley Local Plan: Development Adjacent To a Conservation Area A development proposal adjacent to a conservation area will be expected to preserve or enhance its setting and not detract from views into or out of the area. Supporting Text 5.1.7 A Conservation Area is a designated heritage asset and therefore its setting is a consideration in the determination of planning applications that occur outside its designated boundaries. Bromley Local Plan Policy 48 Skyline The Council will require developments which may impact on the skyline to demonstrate how they will protect or enhance the quality of the views, vistas, gaps and skyline listed below. Supporting Text 5.1.21 The presence of a view or vista listed below will need to be taken into account in the design quality, configuration, height and site layout of new development or extensions to existing developments which may impact them. Views will need to be considered to ensure intrusive elements are not introduced whether in the foreground, middle ground or background through a visual impact assessment. The Council will work in partnership with neighbouring boroughs where there are cross-boundary views and settings so that these are positively managed. 5.1.22 Views of local importance: From Addington Hills of panorama across Crystal Palace, Penge, Beckenham and Greenwich towards Shooters Hill, Isle of Dogs and Blackwall Reach
If near a Listed Building, adverse effect of the development on the setting of the Listed Building Policy 42 of the Bromley Local Plan: Development Adjacent To a Conservation Area A development proposal adjacent to a conservation area will be expected to preserve or enhance its setting and not detract from views into or out of the area. Supporting Text 5.1.7 A Conservation Area is a designated heritage asset and therefore its setting is a consideration in the determination of planning applications that occur outside its designated boundaries. A conservation area borders the development! Watermen's Cottages, the whole of St John's Road, the shops adjacent to the music shop.
The proposed development is over-bearing, out-of-scale or out of character in terms of its appearance compared with existing development in the vicinity See the pictures of the development on this site. The neighbouring buildings are no more than 4 storeys. This will be an eysesore visible for miles around.
Overlooking/loss of privacy See for documents and diagrrams which show total loss of privacy for Colman house and a number of other properties.
Adequacy of parking/loading/turning 24 parking spaces - however, this is unlikely to work as an objection, unless you are a local business who would lose trade if people can't park.
Highway safety More to follow
Layout and density of building More to follow
Design, appearance and materials More to follow
The loss of existing views from neighbouring properties would adversely affect the residential amenity of neighbouring owners More to follow
Proposals in the Development Plan More to follow