Planning and the GLA

The Hadley / Blenheim Centre planning application needs to be referred to the Mayor of London – due to its size and scale. The process works as follows:

  1. Bromley have approved the scheme. (Stage 1) They now need so send the application to the GLA. (Stage 2). The application has not yet been referred to the GLA and hence is at Stage 1 (as at 1 August 2024)
  2. The Mayor has 3 choices: To approve, reject or ‘call in the application. (Stage 3)
  3. If the application is ‘called in’ the Mayor becomes the sole planning authority for the plans and will hold a public meeting at which a decision will be made.

What you should do before the Mayor’s decision

Following the decision by your LA, with the application now passing to the Mayor, you want to be sure that the Mayor is fully aware of your concerns. It is not known whether objections are reported to the Mayor in full, so this is the moment to re-submit your objections to the Mayor’s Office. At the foot of the Stage 1 Response, you should see the name of the case officer connected to the application. Contact this case officer to check whether they will be the person reporting the case to the Mayor. You will want to copy the case officer into any emails, petitions, or objections sent to the Mayor at this point. You can continue to submit new comments to the Mayor by contacting the case officer or commenting via the GLA’s planning portal. It is essential to focus your comments on ‘material planning considerations’ and relevant planning policy, especially any London Plan policies which you consider would be seriously breached by the development in its present form.
