Penge BID

Correspondence with Penge BID:

Hello Zoe,

Hope you are well.

We wanted to get in touch regarding our campaign to Save Penge High Street, started by a group of local people.
We have set up a website (, have designed and printed a poster (attached), plus started a petition
(after a few days we’re about 600 signatures online and print).

We want to talk to you regarding setting up a meet asap with Penge businesses to discuss Hadley’s current proposals.
Our aim is to help bring everybody together and speak with a single voice about what local people and local businesses
want from this development and what we don’t want.

To take this further, please email me here or call 07979 280 283.

Best regards

Lee Knights MSc BSc

Good Afternoon Lee

Thank you for your email.

This subject is up for discussion at our next Board meeting  which is scheduled for next week.  Once this has taken place and we can get back to you and take it from there.

Best wishes


Zoe Carr MBA  BA (Hons) CIPD CIPS

BID Manager

Hello Zoe

Thanks for being quick off the mark!

Would it be possible for us to join in the meet next week? Not all your members may be aware
of local people’s views and the proactive stance we are taking on this. We have also unearthed some intelligence about the financial side of the development we’d like to pass on to you. FYI, some of your members are already working with us and have helped us produce our campaign poster but we all need to speak with one voice to be fully effective.

We’ll definitely make the time to attend given the opportunity.

Thank you, All the best


Hi Lee

Unfortunately It isn’t appropriate for you to join the meeting it is a meeting of Board Directors not a members meeting.  Feel free to send through any information you have found and I’m happy to present it to the Board.

Best wishes


Zoe Carr

BID Manager

Ah, Zoe, understood.
in the meantime, I am re attaching our poster and it would be great if you could let directors
know about and the online petition – last time I  checked, there were over 500 signatures.
Difficult to go into the financial info via email, not really the right medium, best face to face I think.

All the best,

Morning Lee

They already  know-  most of them have business in Penge. 

I’ve  just had a look at your poster and, as someone who is neutral , it’s incorrect as there will be shops and there will be parking so it is somewhat libellious.  I suspect some of the 500  signatures gained are because of that incorrect information.

I’ve got a Masters degree in business so I understand finance pretty well and I run 2 BIDs with over half a million budget- I’ve also run my own business and helped others to run theirs.  It’s fine to send me over the financial information you have acquired, it won’t phase me and I’m happy to take it to the Board and to challenge Hadley if necessary. 

Best wishes


Zoe Carr

BID Manager

To Kathy Bance:

Hello Kathy,

I wonder if you could help?

I have been approaching various of the Blenheim Centre stores to gather their views but it is all but impossible to get through to the right person and dept.

I am also looking for a named contact/phone at Sainsburys Penge to discuss how they see the potential impact of the Penge redevelopment on car parking at Sainsburys. I have tried numerous channels (local store and head office), but without success.  Do you know someone I can approach please?

More importantly, the better and more effective route would be to get as many of the business owners together for example at Melvin Hall to discuss and air matters. Mike has had an invitation from Hadley to put forward our counter proposals, this is a massive opportunity for local people and businesses to say what we want rather than what we don’t want. The idea is then to collate these views and present to Hadley at a meeting with them. We would also need a follow up meeting with residents to gather feedback and compile a report.

I hope you can help and attend.

Lee Knights

Hello Lee

I would suggest you do this through the Penge Bid Team.

I have copied in the Bid Manager and she can advise if this is the right process to reach as many Traders as possible.



To Zoe:

Hello Zoe,

Be good to have your thoughts when you have a mo!

Thank you


Hi Lee

Good to see you’ve changed your approach from outright objection and outrage  and not wanting anything to replace the  Blenheim Centre at all to now offering  proposals

I don’t have head office contacts I’m afraid. In recent renewal operations we found accessing Head Offices as challenging as you are now experiencing.. 

Penge SE20 BID is putting a survey together to ask our members about the redevelopment. We would like this to be measured and thought through rather than just telling them this is an outrage and an atrocity, because some businesses are actively excited about the extra business they may see.  We have to ensure we reflect the general business opinion as best we can.

It may be worth remembering that several members of our Board are Penge business owners and there is a range of opinions about the redevelopment. We meet regularly with Hadley Group and keep and are making suggestions and requests as they arise. Under GDPR rules we do not share our data.

Best wishes


Zoe Carr

BID Manager