If the redevelopment of the Blenheim Centre goes ahead, parking is likely to become much more difficult in the centre of Penge: Here’s why
- The proposed development will be ‘car free’, meaning that the intention is that nobody who lives there will have a car or vehicle of any description.
- To enforce this, most of the area in the map below could become a controlled parking zone – and people in the flats will not be permitted to purchase a parking permit. Existing residents would be able to park, subject to paying an annual fee for a permit (Estimates of the price vary, but this can be as much as £100 a year.) This may also mean that your visitors would either be unable to park or you would have to purchase day passes for them. In some boroughs, that’s £5 a day just to have someone visit you!
- The result may be that it will be almost impossible to park locally, which would be inconvenient for residents, and would also deter many of the people who use the existing shops – so the High Street may end up with no retail outlets at all, apart from take away food outlets, as these are not dependent on parking being available.
- The plans at present are that the site will have 24 parking spaces available – the existing car park has over 200, so in effect, nearly 90% of existing parking provision will be lost.
Probable controlled parking area – we are awaiting more information regarding the extent of the possible CPZ, but a radius of approx 1km from the development is a good guess.