Objection – Example

The objection below was made when Hadley made a request for an Environmental Impact Assessment – and carries more weight because it encompasses legitimate issues of planning law. More examples here:

Comment Details
Commenter Type: Neighbour
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Comment Reasons: Objection

I object to the design of the proposed development that will disfigure the landscape of
this historical Victorian high street by imposing an 18 storey block which would dominate the
skyline and change the character. The site is prime for a regeneration scheme, the process has
not been duly followed in reality but only in letter. I attended the local consultation.

The local feedback totalled under 800 people. The development team advised info was sited
throughout the area however I walked the high street and found NO consultation information,
posters or literature advisin and notifying residents and high st users if the development. The
literature available does not point to the removal of all park8ng spaces, the impact on disabled
users, the lack of play areas and investment to be provided to support increased resident no.s with
health and environment impacts.

The lack of real consultation is a real concern. The feedback numbers are paltry and can only be
justified by a lack of reach by the developers. I have been a user if the high st for 40 years and did
not evidence the use of a store to display these plans and provide real value consultation and
information techniques. My concerns and objections are that the unnecessary 18 storey central
block causes

    The Loss of light or overshadowing

    • Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
    • Overlooking/loss of privacy
    • Additionally it raises issues of
    • Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
    • Highway safety
    • Traffic generation
    • Loss of trees
    • Effect on listed conservating the Victorian vista of the area
    • Layout and density of building is not fitting for the area reducing parking facilities across area
    • Design, appearance of the building
    • Landscaping provides no park or play area and walkways that provide no provision for families
    • Road access impact – we lose two well used roads
    • Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies do not support developments that have
    • this visual impact
    • Disabled persons’ access

    The developers should have to demonstrate. Consultation with 20% of residents to state ,support,
    they have 700 of the 17000 residents. They need to evidence their consultation has been
    effective, not just that they have been in site, wooing small groups with localised events.